In case of nasty cough…

…Break out your trusty teaspoon and get ready for the nastiest syrup imaginable.

Right now, it’s major project, presentation, website design and paper due-date time in MLS-land, and with the weather and temperatures being so wonky lately, you may be feeling a cold fast approaching. Or, like me, you may already have the plague and are guzzling soup and crunching cough drops like it’s goin’ out of style, but all to no effect. Well, never fear. I have found the solution that makes Robitussin look like a bottle of sugar water and that will send your cold hastily penning you a letter of resignation and running for the hills.

With a tagline like “It Tastes Awful. And It Works,” you know you’re in for a good time of it. Buckley’s makes possibly the most vile-tasting cough syrup I have had. Rather like a big spoonful of liquid Vicks VapoRub, actually. Made with nummy natural things like camphor and pine needle oil, and supplemented with Dextromethorpan and Pseudoephedrine (for the Cough & Cold/DM version), it is also sugar- and alcohol-free. Best of all, this syrup knocks the bejeezus out of one’s colds and coughs, so I highly recommend it. You’ll want to make sure you have a nice chaser of honey and lemon or Funyuns or something to get rid of that lingering flavor of death.

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